Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Representation in “To kill a mockingbird†Essay
Mockingbird: The mockingbird represents innocence. Like hunters who kill mockingbirds for sport, people kill innocence, or other people who are innocent, without thinking about what they are doing. Atticus stands firm in his defense of innocence and urges his children not to shoot mockingbirds both literally and figuratively. The mockingbird motif arises four times during To Kill a Mockingbird. First, when Atticus gives Jem and Scout air guns for Christmas and instructs them not to kill mockingbirds. Second, when B.B. Underwood writes about Tom Robinson’s death in his column. Third, a mockingbird sings right before Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout. Finally, Scout agrees with Atticus that prosecuting Boo for Ewell’s murder would be like killing a mockingbird. Atticus: Father of Jem and Scout, Atticus Finch sits on the Alabama State Legislature and acts as Maycomb’s leading attorney. The epitome of moral character, Atticus teaches his children and his community how to stand up for one’s beliefs in the face of prejudice and ignorance by defending a black man, Tom Robinson, wrongfully accused of raping a white woman. Having lost his wife when Scout was two years old, Atticus devotes himself to his children despite criticism from family and neighbors who think his children lack discipline and proper guidance. Atticus stands as one of literature’s strongest and most positive father figures. As one of the most prominent citizens in Maycomb during the Great Depression, Atticus is relatively well off in a time of widespread poverty. Because of his penetrating intelligence, calm wisdom, and exemplary behavior, Atticus is respected by everyone, including the very poor. He functions as the moral backbone of Maycomb, a person to whom others turn in times of doubt and trouble. But the conscience that makes him so admirable ultimately causes his falling out with the people of Maycomb. Unable to abide the town’s comfortable ingrained racial prejudice, he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man. Atticus’s action makes him the object of scorn in Maycomb, but he is simply too impressive a figure to be scorned for long. After the trial, he seems destined to be held in the same high regard as before. Atticus practices the ethic of sympathy and understanding that he preaches to Scout and Jem and never holds a grudge against the people of Maycomb. Despite their callous indifference to racial inequality, Atticus sees much to admire in them. He recognizes that people have both good and bad qualities, and he is determined to admire the good while understanding and forgiving the bad. Atticus passes this great moral lesson on to Scoutâ€â€this perspective protects the innocent from being destroyed by contact with evil. Ironically, though Atticus is a heroic figure in the novel and a respected man in Maycomb, neither Jem nor Scout consciously idolizes him at the beginning of the novel. Both are embarrassed that he is older than other fathers and that he doesn’t hunt or fish. But Atticus’s wise parenting, which he sums up in Chapter 30 by saying, â€Å"Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him,†ultimately wins their respect. By the end of the novel, Jem, in particular, is fiercely devoted to Atticus (Scout, still a little girl, loves him uncritically). Though his children’s attitude toward him evolves, Atticus is characte rized throughout the book by his absolute consistency. He stands rigidly committed to justice and thoughtfully willing to view matters from the perspectives of others. He does not develop in the novel but retains these qualities in equal measure, making him the novel’s moral guide and voice of conscience. atticus’s wisdom, Scout learns that though humanity has a great capacity for evil, it also has a great capacity for good, and that the evil can often be mitigated if one approaches others with an outlook of sympathy and understanding. Atticus Finch – Scout and Jem’s father, a lawyer in Maycomb descended from an old local family. A widower with a dry sense of humor, Atticus has instilled in his children his strong sense of morality and justice. He is one of the few residents of Maycomb committed to racial equality. When he agrees to defend Tom Robinson, a black man charged with raping a white woman, he exposes himself and his family to the anger of the white community. With his strongly held convictions, wisdom, and empathy, Atticus functions as the novel’s moral backbone. The father of Scout and Jem, Atticus is a lawyer and an extremely morally upright man who strives to deal with everyone fairly. Atticus is sometimes overly optimistic, but his unshakable hope in mankind and self-created role as the town ‘do-gooder’ sustain him. Atticus’ wife died when Scout was very small, and he has raised his children only with the assistance of Calpurnia, his black housekeeper and cook. Quotation: I remember when my daddy gave me that gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house; and that he’d rather I’d shoot at tin cans in the backyard. But he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go after birds would be too much, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted – if I could hit ’em; but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. Well, I reckon because mockingbirds don’t do anything but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat people’s gardens, don’t nest in the corncrib, they don’t do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us. Atticus’s advice to Scout deals with his philosophy about tolerance, and how if you try and put yourself in another person’s place, one might better understand their reasoning. The title of To Kill a Mockingbird has very little literal connection to the plot, but it carries a great deal of symbolic weight in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the â€Å"mockingbird†comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence. Throughout the book, a number of characters (Jem, Tom Robinson, Dill, Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond) can be identified as mockingbirdsâ€â€innocents who have been injured or destroyed through contact with evil. This connection between the novel’s title and its main theme is made explicit several times in the novel: after Tom Robinson is shot, Mr. Underwood compares his death to â€Å"the senseless slaughter of songbirds,†and at the end of the book Scout thinks that hurting Boo Radley would be like â€Å"shootin’ a mockingbird.†Most important, Miss Maudie explains to Scout: â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but . . . sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.†That Jem and Scout’s last name is Finch (another type of small bird) indicates that they are particularly vulnerable in the racist world of Maycomb, which often treats the fragile innocence of childhood harshly. His stern but fair attitude toward Jem and Scout reaches into the courtroom as well. He politely proves that Bob Ewell is a liar; he respectfully questions Mayella about her role in Tom’s crisis. One of the things that his longtime friend Miss Maudie admires about him is that â€Å"‘Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.'†The only time he seriously lectures his children is on the evils of taking advantage of those less fortunate or less educated, a philosophy he carries into the animal world by his refusal to hunt. And although most of the town readily pins the label â€Å"trash†on other people, Atticus reserves that distinction for those people who unfairly exploit others. Atticus believes in justice and the justice system. He doesn’t like criminal law, yet he accepts the appointment to Tom Robinson’s case. He knows before he begins that he’s going to lose this case, but that doesn’t stop him from giving Tom the strongest defense he possibly can. And, importantly, Atticus doesn’t put so much effort into Tom’s case because he’s an African American, but because he is innocent. Atticus feels that the justice system should be color blind, and he defends Tom as an innocent man, not a man of color. Our first-person narrator is Scout Finch, who is five when the story begins and eight when it ends. From the first chapter, though, it’s clear that Scout is remembering and narrating these events much later – after all, the second paragraph of the novel begins, â€Å"When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them, we sometimes discussed the events leading to [Jem’s] accidentâ⠂¬ (1.2). For the most part, Scout recounts the events from her childhood perspective, as she understood them at the time, rather than imposing an adult commentary. This makes the narrative perspective a naà ¯ve one: often we get descriptions of events just as she experiences them, without commentary on what they mean, or a commentary that is humorously innocent. But having the adult perspective be there in the background, even if it isn’t in play for most of the narration, means it can pop out when it’s needed to point out important things that the narrator realizes only later, to make sure that the reader sees them too. The strongest element of style is Lee’s talent for narration, called â€Å"tactile brilliance†. â€Å"Harper Lee has a remarkable gift of story-telling. Her art is visual, and with cinematographic fluidity and subtlety we see a scene melting into another scene without jolts of transition. Lee combines the narrator’s voice of a child observing her surroundings with a grown woman’s reflecting on her childhood, using the ambiguity of this voice combined with the narrative technique of flashback to play intricately with perspectives. This narrative method allows Lee to tell a â€Å"delightfully deceptive†story that mixes the simplicity of childhood observation with adult situations complicated by hidden motivations and unquestioned tradition. However, at times the blending causes reviewers to question Scout’s preternatural vocabulary and depth of understanding. Lee uses parody, satire, and irony effectively by using a child’s perspective. After Dill promises to marry her, then spends too much time with Jem, Scout reasons the best way to get him to pay attention to her is to beat him up, which she does several times. Scout’s first day in school is a satirical treatment of education; her teacher says she must undo the damage Atticus has wrought in teaching her to read and write, and forbids Atticus from teaching her further. Lee treats the most unfunny situations with irony, however, as Jem and Scout try to understand how Maycomb embraces racism and still tries sincerely to remain a decent society. Satire and irony are used to such an extent. Scout narrates the story herself, looking back in retrospect an unspecified number of years after the events of the novel take place. POINT OF VIEW  · Scout narrates in the first person, telling what she saw and heard at the time and augmenting this narration with thoughts and assessments of her experiences in retrospect. Although she is by no means an omniscient narrator, she has matured considerably over the intervening years and often implicitly and humorously comments on the naà ¯vetà © she displayed in her thoughts and actions as a young girl. Scout mostly tells of her own thoughts but also devotes considerable time to recounting and analyzing Jem’s thoughts and actions. TONE  · Childlike, humorous, nostalgic, innocent; as the novel progresses, increasingly dark, foreboding, and critical of society MAJOR CONFLICT  · The childhood innocence with which Scout and Jem begin the novel is threatened by numerous incidents that expose the evil side of human nature, most notably the guilty verdict in Tom Robinson’s trial and the vengefulness of Bob Ewell. As the novel progresses, Scout and Jem struggle to maintain faith in the human capacity for good in light of these recurring instances of human evil. RISING ACTION  · Scout, Jem, and Dill become fascinated with their mysterious neighbor Boo Radley and have an escalating series of encounters with him. Meanwhile, Atticus is assigned to defend a black man, Tom Robinson against the spurious rape charges Bob Ewell has brought against him. Watching the trial, Scout, and especially Jem, cannot understand how a jury could possibly convict Tom Robinson based on the Ewells’ clearly fabricated story. CLIMAX  · Despite Atticus’s capable and impassioned defense, the jury finds Tom Robinson guilty. The verdict forces Scout and Jem to confront the fact that the morals Atticus has taught them cannot always be reconciled with the reality of the world and the evils of human nature. FALLING ACTION  · When word spreads that Tom Robinson has been shot while trying to escape from prison, Jem struggles to come to terms with the injustice of the trial and of Tom Robinson’s fate. After making a variety of threats against Atticus and others connected with the trial, Bob Ewell assaults Scout and Jem as they walk home one night, but Boo Radley saves the children and fatally stabs Ewell. The sheriff, knowing that Boo, like Tom Robinson, would be misunderstood and likely convicted in a trial, protects Boo by saying that Ewell tripped and fell on his own knife. After sitting and talking with Scout briefly, Boo retreats into his house, and Scout never sees him again.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Buddhism Worksheet Essay
1. Explain the basic Buddhist teachings including the three marks of reality, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path. Answer: The basic teachings of Buddhism are based around what are called the three jewels. The first is Buddha or an ideal human who others should imitate. The second is Dharma which is the Buddhist lessons on how to see things in a worldly manny. Finally, is Sangha which refers to the community of monks and nuns. The Buddha focused on two major things in his teachings how to reduce suffering in ourselves and others and how to attain inner peace. In the Buddhist teachings are cover the three realities which are change, identity, and suffering (Molloy, 2013). . The first which is constant change refers to the fact that the world is constantly changing around us. The second wenches lack of permanent identity refers to the fact that we are constantly changing as we age and go through the world learn new things and experiencing things. And finally of the presence of distress, Buddha states, we will always experience some sort of sorrow or dissatisfaction in our lives part of obtaining pe rsonal peace or inner peace is accepting that. Buddhist teachings also include worker hold four Noble truths. The first of the truths it is called â€Å"to live is to suffer†. The idea that suffering exists from day one being born causes pain and suffering, getting disease causes pain and suffering, the decay of time causes pain and suffering, and ultimately death causes pain and suffering. The point is that there are so many things going on in life that cause suffering and many of them cannot be avoided. The second truths is â€Å"suffering comes from desire†. There are many forms of suffering that comes from wanting something or thinking that something is necessary, suffering can also come from stress, hunger or other outside sources. Lastly, is â€Å"to end suffering, end desire†. The basic idea with this one is that we must shed all of your unnecessary wants and desires. It’s carried out to an extreme with the monks who give up material possessions personal property personal wealth they go so far as to shave their heads slither completely bald and give up all connection to their lives before becoming monks. In the last of the Noble truths is â€Å"release from suffering is possible and can be obtained by following the eightfold path†. The idea here, I believe is pretty self-explanatory if you follow this path or recommendations on how to live as laid out by Buddha you will attain inner peace and move beyond the suffering of this world. 2. Describe the three major Buddhist traditionsâ€â€Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayanaâ€â€and how each tradition developed from the early teachings. Answer: The first of the Buddhist traditions is Theravada whose name means the way of the elders. This group takes a very stark approach to Buddhist teachings they’re very conservative group their goal is to commute continue the tradition of passing Buddhist teachings from one generation to the next without changing them. Communities of monks who stress the ideal to reach enlightenment through meditation. Though the monks say that ordinary or sometimes referred to as laypeople can obtain nirvana the life of a monk is a sure path to obtaining it. The second of the three major schools is Mahayana; this name means the big vehicle. They stress that nirvana is obtainable by everyone and also that enlightenment is a call to compassion. Their order maintains that in order to save yourself you must save others. This group is thought to of been mostly Indian in origin and therefore included many of the practices of Indian culture because the attitudes of the early Buddhists did not always fulfill the religious needs of many people. This school of Buddhism is considered the source of some of the most extraordinary creations of the human mind in areas such as art, philosophy, architecture, psychology, and ceremony. The schools also very widespread in eastern Asia it spread in too many areas including China. The third school Buddhism is vajrayana, the name means time and vehicle. When my and Buddhism entered Tibet and blended with their shamanism the result was Tibetan Buddhism. Although vajrayana includes other forms of esoteric Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism is the most well-known. The first form of Buddhism entered Tibet was actually called Tantric Buddhism. This form of Buddhism opposed the original detachment from the world and its negative attitude towards bodily pleasure they thought that the body and all of its energies can be used to reach enlightenment. References Molloy, M. (2013). Experiencing the world’s religions: Tradition, challenge, and change (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Current Gun Control Laws
Dear Mr.. Mayor, I write this memorandum with renewed consciousness and self-reflection. I write this in regards to the current gun control policies and regulations. In today's society there are far too many mass shootings that innocently take people's lives. These mass shootings are occurring in schools, movie theaters, shopping malls, compounds, public events, and at work. Numerous shootings have occurred in the past few years and the numbers continue to evolve.It is our responsibility as citizens to stand up and take charge of the matter. We can start this endeavor by enacting gun control. No one has the freedom to take another's life from them and once a person has died not anyone can bring them back. In this memorandum I will be mainly focusing on school shootings. Catastrophes will always occur, however, we as citizens can make a meaningful difference In preventing these shootings from occurring by Implementing stricter gun control regulations.Perhaps by enforcing antigen polic ies will prevent a hill, a teenager, a young adult, an adult, or senior citizen from making one of the biggest mistake of their life. Guns have no place in schools and schools are supposed to be designed not only for education but as a safe environment for children (Information for Gun Control, 2014). Yes, the Second Amendment gives citizens of the United States the right to bear arms (genuine. Com, 2013).However, at the time that the Second Amendment was established I do not think that children were killing children by walking Into a school and that our fore fathers envisioned the airlessness of gun owners and their lack of â€Å"control†of their own weapons. Politicians today are heedlessly Jeopardizing those whose freedom and rights they allege to be protecting. It Is time for the Government to withstand an honest glimpse at the tragic occurrences that are taking innocent people's lives, the lives of young children in these gun shootings whether they are accidental or int entional.Responsibility for these heinous killings need to be assumed and it is the Government that needs to step up to the plate and federally regulate stricter gun control policies. Stricter gun control policies should include mandatory registration of weapons with a five to ten day waiting period, licensing of all gun owners, required gun permits and purchaser permits as well. Also included in these regulations should be intensive background checks with no stipulations.Unfortunately it is a fact that many of the guns used in these mass shootings were legally owned and obtained by the parents of the perpetrators. Other than the fact that schools should also have stricter precautions and security they must also have psychological observation and tracking. Yet another policy that would be welcomed Is responsibility of the parents in such that they too can be legally charged for allowing access to incompetent of securing a gun then perhaps they should not be allowed to possess one.
What does Brokeback Mountain show us about attitudes toward Essay
What does Brokeback Mountain show us about attitudes toward masculinity in the United States between 1963 and in 1983 and the possible effects of these attitudes - Essay Example imacy, especially homosexual behaviors, and these attitudes result to intolerance and inhuman treatment of gay people, as well as broken identities and families. From the 1960s to 1980s, society proscribes and controls male intimacy. Ibson illustrates the historical context of the 1950s as â€Å"hostile to male intimacy†(190). As a child, Jack has problems urinating. One time, seeing his urine all over the toilet, his father beat him up in â€Å"crazy rage†(Proulx 49). His father does not show him any tenderness at all. Since then, Jack feels estranged from his father, who always wanted him to be a man through rodeo shows. Rodeos represent the apex of traditional masculinity. It makes no sense to be riding an anxious bull, but for men, this is a rite of passage. Bull riding portrays strength, courage, and virility, which are masculine virtues. Society teaches men to ride life like a bull, whipping people on their paths. It encourages promiscuity too, which is why even when married, Ennis and Jack both talk about enjoying sex with their wives and desires for extra-marital affairs. It is interesting, nevertheless, that they rem ain faithful to one another. This depicts their powerful sense of faithfulness that they never feel for their wives or other women. Intolerance to differences is one of the main effects of homophobia. Grippi interviews Proulx who stresses that she wants â€Å"to awaken in people an [sic] empathy for diversity, for each other and the larger world.†Indeed, people who know that Ennis and Jack are lovers spit this knowledge with disgust. Alma calls Jack Twist as â€Å"Jack Nasty†(Proulx 33), and her words show that for society, homosexuality is a nasty behavior. People do not have tolerance for sexual differences. They only value heterosexual nature and treat homosexuality as a disease. Since homosexuals fear expressing their real sexual preferences, they rupture their own identities and families. Hunter asserts that Ennis and Jack resent
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Visiting the BASILICA DI SANT(church+cript+musuem) Essay
Visiting the BASILICA DI SANT(church+cript+musuem) - Essay Example In 12th century the basilica was rebuilt and received its modern look ( «SantAmbrogio, Milan »). The style of the basilica is Romanesque. The basilica is built of bricks and ashlar stones decorated with carving. There are also parts of stone and plastering used in the construction. The composition of the building is symmetrical; all parts of basilica mirror each other. There is an atrium typical for Romanesque buildings; it is surrounded by aisles with pillars. Capitals are decorated with animals, fantastic motifs, human figures and natural ornaments. There are also two bell towers called Monks Tower and Canons Tower; they symbolize two different orders which lived in the basilica. Monks lived in two southern buildings while canons lived in the north. The exterior of basilica is very orderly; rectangular forms dominate the space and support the idea of symmetrical beauty of ancient Roman architecture. The building looks monumental because of its abundant architectural solutions. The interior of the basilica is predetermined by its main purpose. Religious motifs are observed everywhere; mosaics and frescos on the walls and ceiling present religious motifs and portray the lives of Christian Saints. Stylish groined vaults of the ceiling, semi-circular apse and small chapels of the same shape create specific atmosphere in the place. Pillars, clestory windows and semi-columns serve to support the building and add decorum to the place (Schneider). The interior of the basilica is very impressive and unique. Even though it has all typical features of Romanesque art, it is a bit eclectic due to the fact that different parts of the basilica were added, reconstructed or created in different periods of time. The materials used for mosaics and internal decorations are natural; for instance, there are 4 columns made of porphyry and decorated with bar-reliefs depicting religious scenes (Schneider). Golden altar, beautiful sarcophagus, reliefs and other
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Development of Ancient Greek Burial Customs Essay
Development of Ancient Greek Burial Customs - Essay Example While certain cultures developed deep veneration such as worshipping one’s ancestors, other cultures developed more simple attitudes such as leaving the dead to the mercy of the elements. In this sense, the burial rites and their evolution in ancient Greece was of importance since Greece is considered as the pinnacle of the earliest ancient civilizations. Burial rites underwent major transformations in ancient Greece as the civilization moved from one period to another. The practices revolved around inhumation, cremation, leaving offerings, buildings graves and tombs. Various periods had various characteristics that defined burial rites. This paper will explore the various ideas and attitudes in regards to Greek burial rites, rituals and customs that evolved over the years. The practice of burying the dead existed in ancient Greece early on and there were little changes in the basic practices. The earliest burials in Greece can be traced back to the Mycenaean period. The Mycen aean culture tended to bury the dead along with his possessions and there is some evidence to indicate that graves were being reused. The Mycenaean burial tradition is special since a connection to the dead person was always maintained. Graves typically had an altar and a funnel like structure that extended into the grave. These funnels were used to pour libations into the graves (Stevanovic 40). Inhumation was the dominant practice but there is evidence to suggest cremation as well. The dead were cremated so that their souls could leave the body easily and immediately. In addition, cremation was carried out so that the ghost of the dead would not disturb the relatives. The cremated remains were typically entrusted to an amphora that was then buried as a regular body would be buried. This method of burial was practiced just before the Bronze Age. Greek burial practices differed widely from previous ones in the Bronze Age. Previously both adults and children had been cremated or had been alternatively buried as per the dominant cultural trend. However, in the Bronze age it was common that the adults would be cremated while the children would be buried. The only common feature in these burials was that both were inhumed either in pit graves or in chamber tombs as per social status. It was typically to bury items of personal possession as well as items related to daily use. An exploration of graves and tombs from the Bronze Age in Greece has revealed that burial areas contained utensils, cooking pots, oil flasks, jewelry and in a few cases weapons. It is believed that the weapons have been removed from the graves of adult warriors. In certain cases, offerings of food and drinks were also buried with the dead, perhaps with the view that the dead may require this for his journey into the afterlife. It must be noted that graves from this period did not contain the funnel like structures from the previous periods and libation into the grave was not possible. Addition ally, since the buried person was already cremated, there was little possibility that libation could be poured into the amphora. As the Greek civilization progressed from simple religious structures to more complicated ones, the manner of burial evolved with it. Compared to the earliest times, the Greeks had begun to distinguish between adults and childr
Friday, July 26, 2019
V6 & V8 Car Engines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
V6 & V8 Car Engines - Essay Example The V6 engines are better than V8 engines because they are not as big as the V8 engines, are more fuel-efficient, can be produced in V8’s production line, and are more affordable for an average American. Fuel usage and reasonable speeds are the leading factors that an individual should consider before buying an engine. The V6 engines have been remodeled to include these properties. This is because, speed and fuel usage are the properties that the engine displays and uses when in use. Therefore, it is worth considering the fuel usage and speed displayed by V6 or V8 engines. Efficient and economical engine is worth buying than fuel guzzling engines. Understanding the speed and power of the engine is important for drivers especially when they are using the car. The 6-cylinder V6 turbo engine and the 8-cylinder V8 engines display different qualities and specification; thus, it is worth determining which of the two is best for the American car users (Gearhead). Initially, V8 engines were known to be more powerful than V6 engines because the later were known to be slow in speed, noisy and less powerful. However, the manufacturers became concerned about these defects and decided to correct them; a move that led to the 2014 manufacturing of the new V6. The GM manufacturers made the new 2014 V6 to operate under the modern technology within the car industry. Some of these technologies include the casting processes and full four cams phrasing to the ultra-fast with a torque-based engine. The V6 turbo engine is known for its low fuel usage, but has high car functioning speed. On the other hand, the V8 is a higher fuel consumer when functioning under the same features and technologies as V6. Therefore, the V6 engine model is more desirable and satisfying then V8 (Tori). It is also necessary noting that the V6 engines are economical for the American society. When analyzing the fuel usage
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Measurement and interpretation of the application of corporate Research Proposal
Measurement and interpretation of the application of corporate governance to increase the competitive advantages of the economic units - Research Proposal Example The corporate governance codes are generated by the companies so as to satisfy the stakeholders, which include employees, investors, customers and suppliers. The research aims at understanding whether the corporate governance codes are effective enough to increase the strength of the company or whether it can be considered as one of the most important strategy to increase its competitive advantage. Therefore, corporate governance codes are defined along with its relevance at different levels of management. It is observed that the impact of effective corporate governance code leads to increase in market share of the company as the customers and investors are satisfied with their overall performance. Hence, the research will aim at establishing the relation between corporate governance and competitive advantage in a broader way. Corporate governance has become one of the active topics of discussion and research among the academic researchers and also a significant subject for initiating a debate. There have been several studies pertaining to corporate governance highlighting its importance and impacts on the performance of companies (Singh and Davidson, 2003). There are also researchers, who have focussed on the mechanism of corporate governance i.e. establishing a relationship between board of directors and stakeholders, transparency in the disclosure and safeguarding the interest of stakeholders. However, these researchers have ignored the importance of practising external corporate governance, which has the ability to prevent interference of the managers that may affect the welfare of the stakeholders (Singh and Davidson, 2003). In this case, it should be stated that both external and internal corporate governance are essential for gaining competitive advantage. The overall effect of the interference is reflected on effectiveness of the governance of the company. Therefore, in order to fill up the gap in the academic researches on this
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Creative leadership and mangement in international schools Dissertation
Creative leadership and mangement in international schools - Dissertation Example As the report declares a creative leader analysis the current situation identifies the loopholes and then thinks out of the box to bring out a change which permanently solved the problems. As the world becomes a global village and environment becomes competitive, only innovative and creative ideas standout to make their mark among the rest. This paper stresses that effective Principals should orient their respective schools by showing the creativity traits of showing their passion for work, leading by innovative examples, independence, goal setting and making sure they are achievable and eventually achieved, originality, flexibility to listen to their subordinates or other staff members , wide range of interests to have a flow of ideas from different angles, intelligence and motivation. Principals of international schools should perceive themselves frequently as exhibiting the trait. It can be surmised that effective principals should be committed to working very hard, since they are frequently committed to things they believe in and are persistent in completing a task. Persistence in completing a task can be described as a passion because the effective principal frequently refuses to put an idea aside until it is satisfactorily resolved. The effective principal should talk earnestly about the importance of work, which suggests responsibility is not just the organizational goal but also consists of the leader's direction for the organization.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Week Eight Online Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week Eight Online Question - Essay Example This was in line with the theories of David Ricardo, the English political economist, who argued in favor of hard currency that would enable the economy to escape the cycles of booms and depressions. This, Andrew Jackson and his supporters felt, would be a lasting solution to the problems that America faced at a time when it was expanding rapidly and monetary policies were a widely debated issue. Jackson’s stance on this matter is considered t be crucial in his re-election to the post of the president of the United States of America. hands of people who lived outside America and those sections of the American society which belonged to the upper strata (Andrew). His efforts according to the speeches that he delivered regarding the future of the Bank of the United States were directed towards the establishment of a nation that would ensure the equality of the people who stayed in it. This, Jackson felt, could be achieved only through a return from credit to hard currency, something that David Ricardo had suggested. His views were appropriated by Jackson and his political friends in order to establish an economic order that they felt would not allow the re-establishment of situations like that which occurred during the panic of 1819, when the banks, since they had lent money that had become less valuable due to inflation, experienced a shortage. Ricardian currency theories required that the banks regulate the monetary pressures of inflation and deflation through regulating the flow of money into the economy. Jackso n’s views were thus, not completely against banks, but called for a reassessment of the roles that banks played in the American economy that would prevent a repeat of the events of 1819. A system was put in place according to which only the amount of money the equivalent of which was present in the bank in
Raising children can be stresful Research Proposal
Raising children can be stresful - Research Proposal Example Is parenting stressful or rewarding? Do you have the joy of parenthood? Or does parenthood leaves you with shattered dreams? Parenting is a heroic act and can be very stressful. You may be a stay at home or a working parent, single or married parent, mother or father, with one or several children, if you remain to stay cool, calm, and with full of vigor, you will be able get through the day (Child Development Institute, 2007). Children can be stubborn, grumpy, sensitive, angry, manipulative, wild or simply plain difficult. They always thought no other but themselves and they have an unpredictable temperament that oftentimes leaves you at a loss (Perry, 2008). The attitudes of your children leave you stressed and desolated. However, most of the time, it is on how we label our children makes parenting stressful. When a situation a parent should have with the child cannot be controlled, it is necessary that an appropriate approach on how to cope with the stress you have with your child should be embraced (Perry, 2008). These are: (1) Teaching your children limits and healthy self - expression; (2) model problem - solving strategies; (3) empathize with your children; (4) breakdown challenges into smaller steps; (5) project confidence in your child; (6) shape good, mature behavior, and (7) seek professional help. To avoid having violent and stressful environment with your child, it is important that the following must be observed: (1) offer your children the love and attention that he needs consistently; (2) make sure that your children are properly supervised; (3) show appropriate behavior to your children by the way you act; (4) do not apply physical punishments; (5) stick to your rules and disciplines; (6) teach your children about the dangers of firearms; (7) keep them away from violence (APA Online, 2008). Like adults, children also need to have love, care, attention, and
Monday, July 22, 2019
Auto biography of a Tree Essay Example for Free
Auto biography of a Tree Essay I am a tree, tall and imposing, standing all alone near the campus of a temple. My life is ever so interesting as, I see a huge spectrum of society, funny gestures of people, and hear all kinds of conversation of the devotees who pass by me. I was not always so huge. As is true of all living beings I was also a long time back, a young sapling with this huge tree within me. At that time I looked fresh and beautiful as all other beings who are young, but, at that time I was of course not so imposing. This is what I have seen about life that, every stage has something good about it. I understand that, I am a peepal tree which just grows anywhere and everywhere. Ever since I was young, I remember several people coming to my root and worshipping me. They would light an earthenware lamp, and put it near my root, say their prayers and go away. This was a daily ritual which scores of people followed at my root ever since I can remember. As I started growing up bigger and bigger, the temple authorities put a two feet wall like boundary around my trunk. This was done to protect me from being destroyed by crowds who thronged to me. Since I am near a temple, I have always had the pleasure of a lot of company daily and, the great honour of being worshipped by scores of believers every day. Now, I am a full grown tree, and that two feet wall has been converted into a broad platform all around me, with my root out of sight, and the trunk also somewhat covered from vision. Here on the platform people sit and say their prayers and relax. At times they also consume their temple prasad while sitting on this platform. Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to be so loved and cared for and, above all, being so honoured and respected. This honour is given to me as, I understand now that, a section of the Indian society considered me a holy tree to be worshipped. This is why there is so much hype about me and my kin. As I stand here, near a temple, I never ever feel lonely I get all sorts of company throughout the day, so, where is the scope of feeling lonely. Early in the morning the temple is opened at 6 a.m. It is cleaned and washed so, I get the company of people who clean the premises. They come to me also and broom the area around me, wash the platform and I am trim and neat to welcome my guests for the day. After the temple is cleaned there is a pooja, and from 7 a.m. devotees start pouring in, and the temple bells start ringing and breaking the silence of the night. Devotees continue pouring in the temple right from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., when the temple closes. These long hours of the day, there is no chance of my getting bored as, I have the company of so many people moving around the area. Even though I am alone, a lonely tree but, my life is full of thrill and excitement, as I get lots of, and variety of company. This in turn is an added honour for me that, while my friends have the company of trees only, I have the company of human beings who talk and walk and discuss matters to make my life more lively and enjoyable. I often wondered to myself as to why there is so much of greatness thrust upon me, though I am just a tree like any other. Yes, here is the catch, I believe I am so revered because I am considered by the Hindus, a religious sect as a holy tree, an incarnation of their God. Aha! this makes me feel proud of myself and I am prone to thank God for this birth in which I get honour, respect, love and care. What else could any living being aspire for. I and my honour are further enhanced as, I stand near a temple of God. Now, all my anxiety is put to rest as, I have learnt that I am also here to be worshipped just as God himself. I stand here alone yet in great company of human beings. My life is just wonderful, I pray to God that HE grant such a wonderful and eventful life to all humans. One thing I forgot to tell you all, about my life. When people come and sit on the platform around me, I also get a lot of information about man’s world. I hear scandals, I hear about murders, thefts and what all evils that exist in this man’s world. At times I also get to hear small children saying lovely words to their mothers and, seeing the mothers cajoling them, I feel what a beautiful life men have. Thus to add to my experience of life, I have come to know a lot about human beings and their lives. Their lives are also full of pleasures and disappointments. It is not that men only enjoy as, most of us lesser beings seem to feel. Men also have their own problems. So, to add up I’d say my life is a pleasure and a rich experience.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of Olympic Games on Host Cities
Impact of Olympic Games on Host Cities Introduction: According to Turner (1982), persons in all cultures identify the need to set aside assured times and spaces for common creativity and commemoration. This was the value of events in ancient period and the evolution of an event in human culture and tradition. Any event or occasion where public assembles for any of these purpose which is celebration, marketing, education or reunion can be termed as event. Any special major event such as World cup or Olympic Games can attract millions of visitors from in and outside the country which will eventually boost the countrys economy. To organise the major event hosting country will invest huge sum of money in transportation, communication and infrastructure which will leave a lasting legacy for the whole economy of the country and also a lot of opportunity and benefits to the locals as well as for the whole residents of the hosting nation directly or indirectly. The aim of this research will be to analyse and evaluate the impact of events in China after hosting the 2008 Olympic games although the essay will try to highlight the event and its types furthermore it will briefly analyse the concept of event management in terms of planning, staging and monitoring an event specially the Olympic games, similarly evaluating the benefits and challenges that the china had gone through in hosting the 2008 Olympic games and finally the positive and negative impact in China after hosting the Olympic games in 2008. Beijing Host of the Olympic Games 2008 China is one of the rapidly developing country and one of the emerging power of the world, which hold the area about 9.6 million square kilometres is located in eastern part of Asia, the pacific west bank which has the largest population among the globe approximately 1,333,212,646 represent ting different faith, cultures and language .China is nearly about 50 latitude from north to south and 5200 kilometres away from east to west crossed the five time zones about longitude 60 degrees. The east part of the china is closest with ocean with a long coast, convenient transport facilities and large numbers of ports which makes china easy to communicate with the rest of the worlds ports and travel of tourists. Based on the specific criteria to be eligible to host the Olympic Games which was set by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) there were five selected cities selected to be the finalist by the International Olympic Committee which were Beijing, Toronto, Paris, Osaka and Istanbul after receiving and reviewing the application of 10 cities to bid the host of 2008 Olympic game. Beijing won a complete majority of votes in July 2001from the member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) following two round of voting to host the Olympic Games after beating four competing cities which were Toronto, Paris, Osaka and Istanbul. Beijing had lost the same battle for 2000 Olympic Games with Sydney by two votes. Since they hold the games for 2008 they had got just 7 years to make ready for the mega event Olympic games which was later organised in 2008 successfully. From 8th August 2008 to 24th August 2008 the major international multi -sport event took place in Beijing; China. Which was p ublicly called as the games of the XXIX Olympiad which was also known as 2008 summer Olympics? A total of 11,028 athletes competed in 302 events and 28 sports. The participants were from 204 National Olympic Committees. China was the 22nd nations which host the Olympic Games in 2008 , embracing the fundamental facts of the Olympic Games with its own slogan, which was One World , One Dream, they became the 18th to grip a summer Olympic Games. Objectives To understand the history, definition and different types or forms of Event. To analyse the concept of Event management in terms of planning, staging and monitoring an event the Olympic Game. To evaluate the benefits, challenges and barriers faced by China in hosting the Olympic Games. To evaluate the positive and negative impact of the Olympic Games in China. Literature review Since the invention of an event there had been many definitions and meanings forwarded .According to Gets (1997:4-11) Events are temporary occurrence, either planned or unplanned, with a finite length of time. An event can be defined as; a structured event such as a convention, meeting, exhibition, gala dinner, special event etc. An event is frequently composed of numerous diverse yet interconnected functions {Accepted practices Exchange (APEX) Industry Glossary of terms (CIC, 2003)}. Similarly it can be defined as a distinctive form of visitor attraction, ranging in a level from programmes of recreational events at parks, through community festivals to jumbo -events such as world cup Rugby and the Olympics{Getz(1991:122)} Furthermore event can be defined as something which happens result; whichever thing or occasion principally a memorable one; prospect of happening ; an item in a programme (of games, etc); a sort of horse-riding competition, frequently held more than three days(three-day event), consisting of three sections, that is dressage, cross-country riding and show jumping; fate or luck ;a structured movement at a scrupulous location ,e.g. for fundraising ,promotion ,sales (The Chambers Dictionary) Or, it can be termed as an incident happening at a determinable period and place, with or without the contribution of human being agent. It could be a branch of a chain of occurrences as an outcome of a foregoing incident and as the source of a successive occurrence. ( Different types of event: There are different types of event which can be classified on the source of their type, context and size which are described below; Social /life-cycle events Any event such as Hen/Stag party ,Bachelors party ,Birthday party ,Graduation day , Wedding ,Engagement ,Anniversary ,Retirement day ,Funeral etc can be classified as social /life-cycle events. Education and career events Events like job fair, education fair, workshop, debate seminar, competition, contest etc can be classified as Education and career events. Sports events Olympics, world cup, marathons, wrestling matches, Wimbledon and any small or big sports which happen in this world can be classified as sports events. Entertainment events Any music concerts ,festivals ,fairs, fashion shows, celebrity nights, award functions, beauty pea gents jewellery shows flash mob, stage shows can be classified as Entertainment events. Political events Events such as demonstration, political procession, political functions, and rally can be classified as political events. Corporate events Any business functions like meetings, conferences, incentives, exhibitions, road shows, product lunches, buyer-seller meet can be classified as corporate events. Religious events Any Religious festivals or fairs, katha, religious procession, Pravachan, Christmas, Dusherra and Diwali fair can be classified as Religious events. Fund raising/cause related events Any event which is organised for the purpose of fund raising/cause can be classified as a fund raising /cause related events. E.g. auctions. Analyse the concept of event management in terms of planning, staging and monitoring an event-Olympic games Event planning A successful event or seminar takes a clear vision and an enormous amount of planning, details and follow up. Successful Event planning is a valuable resource and a must have for any department or organization that puts on events or seminars regardless of size. Karen R. McLaughlin, APR, CEO, QB Comm., Inc., Rochester, NY Event planning is the life blood of a flourishing event- from building and designing the venues through setting up risk management, holding the test events, timetabling trustworthy transport and other necessary services. There are mainly two process of planning which is used in an event planning process. The two types of planning process are discussed below: Strategic planning Strategic planning can be defined as an instrument for organizing the present situation on the source of the projections of the preferred future. Or in specially Olympic Games termed strategic planning is a road map for any hosting cities to plan in the present situation to acquire the successes in the 7 years. Beijing has used different strategy as in terms of strategic planning process like using slogan one world one game, and different concept which was Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and Peoples Olympics. Beijing also used different strategic tactics which was encouraging the whole nation to participate in the preparation for the Olympic Games, hosting the games to promote the social civilization, hosting the Games to improve the peoples living standards, create the new image of china and many more. Operational planning Operation planning is the planning which deals with the operation issue after setting the strategic planning which is defining how you will function in practice to execute your action and monitoring the plans that is how you will deal with the threat, how you will certify the sustainability of the projects achievements, how you will engage with the risk and what your ability needs are. Olympic operational planning is mostly important to conduct a successful Olympic Games. Operational planning should be well formulated and co- ordinate in order to get flawlessly and efficiently outcome. Mostly Olympic Games take place in a city, which are densely residential areas so while planning operational planning it needs to make sure those adjacent areas and the residue of the city to function as smoothly as possible all over the event. Event staging In simple meaning event staging is the planning and staging different stage which need to be place during any event. The simple format of the event staging is drawn below in a circle according to its importance but it can be varied from one event to another. There were 3 different phases which was used by Beijing in terms of event staging which are as follows: Pre -preparation phase This was the phase between December 2001 to June 2003 where Beijing plan to established the organisation structure of the BOCOG and also take all the necessary step to complete the construction of the Olympic venues and the facilities. In between those phase Beijing plan to put marketing programmes into operation and also plan to initiate the construction of EP facilities and urban infrastructure plus a number of tourist and cultural site. Development phase This was the phase from July 2003 to June 2006 where Beijing plan to complete its task set out in the 10th five- year plan and plan to swing the overall construction of the Olympic venues and other linked facilities. Beijing also plans to finish the major construction projects of the Olympic venues and other related facilities by June 2006. Improvement and operation phase It was the phase between July 2006 to the opening of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games where Beijing plan to in place all the venues and related facilities which will be as per the standard requirement of the Olympic Games. In this phase all the inspection and any necessary improvement will be made to the venues and also test event will be conducted to guarantee the smooth operation and all the related services will be accessible. Monitoring an event To evaluate the benefits and challenges faced by China in hosting the Olympic Games. Benefits of hosting the Olympic Games Job creation Hosting a mega event like Olympic Games will create millions of jobs from construction to the hospitality and tourism related industry which will indeed leave a long lasting economic benefit for the hosting country and its communities. As per the official website of the Beijing Olympic , the Olympic Game helped in creating 1.8 million fresh jobs across all sectors of the financial system in year 2008.major building construction helps to create extra 430,000 jobs from 2004 to 2008 while there were 130,000 new jobs gained in the retail and wholesale industries. Publicity Through hosting the successful Beijing Olympics china has paved its importance as a vital player on the global stage .China showed its outstanding organization skill and strong governing capability from the opening to closing ceremonies in 2008 Olympic Games and in carrying out the Olympic Games itself. And also working together with the athletes ,the government ,the party and the ordinary Chinese people for the common purpose which was successful of the Olympic Games was an impressive movement showing the National unity and pride to the rest of the world. Infrastructures and tourism Beijing spent billions of dollar in constructing the new Olympic venues , parks and ,airports ,transportation leak and many small -medium to big five star hotels which was the everlasting benefit for the Chinese infrastructure and specially for Chinese tourism industries. Also Chinese government opened the door for foreign investors who were willing to invest in hotels ,tourism spots and some worked as a joint venture with the international travel agencies which were the huge benefit for the Chinese tourism industry. Challenges of hosting the Olympic Games Security Hosting the event especially mega event such as Olympic games is always been in threat because it is hosted by a Nation and it is highlighted to all over the world and the radical people belonging to different community and county are looking for the purpose of their voice to be heard. The modern world where we are leaving now days is always of security threat. None of any part of the world is free from its own security issue either it is from terrorist group or it is form the different radical communities. Beijing had faced different direct and indirect terrorist and radical communitys threat while hosting an Olympic Games in 2008. Before 1 day to opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in 2008 there was a video released by the A Chinese Islamic group who were demanding the independence for china western Xinjiang region to attack in the Olympic Games. According to Chinese officials there were 16 dead and 16 wounded when the Turkic Muslim group ramped into the joggers with the tossed e xplosives truck and also stabbed the victims . There were also people been arrested by the Chinese authorities during prior to opening ceremony who were carrying the homemade bombs and a gun holding the written letter that they were prepared to carry out the jihad. Financial strain Hosting an Olympic games will cost a lot of financial capital and in some cases the Olympic Games will create a lot deficit to the hosting country economy and it can take countrys economy years to come from that financial deficit. Montreal the host city of1976 Olympic Games is still paying off the cost of staging the 1997 Olympic Games and also Athens the host city of 2004 Olympic Games ran billions of Euros more than the original budget- at country expense. Altogether in total Beijing spent 280 billion Yuan including the Olympics specific operating costs and construction of infrastructure facilities. Finally the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games became the most expensive Olympic games in the throughout the Olympic history. Political China faced one of the largely politicised Olympic Games ever in the history. China was strongly criticized by different foreign Governments ,interest groups and other parties for its so-called appalling suppression of press ,human rights record and lack of democracy. Due to the apparent attack on peaceful protest in Tibet in march 2008 china faced more external pressure even some renowned individuals and foreign leaders boycott their participation in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Pollution China faced huge challenges in controlling their air and water pollution during the time of Olympic Games.16 of 20 most polluted cities of the entire world are found in china with the highest level of particulate and sulphur dioxide anywhere. Supplying the clean water is another headache of the Chinese authorities. 100 out of 640 Chinese largest urban areas are facing water scarcity. A number of Chinese river are being pumped dry and the table water under northern part of china is rapidly falling down. China has spent $100 billion every year to find clean water and treat the existing dirty water. This tends to be a costly to both human beings and the Chinese economy. Evaluating the positive and negative impact of the Olympic Games in China. Hosting an event especially mega event like Olympic Games can have a range of both positive and negative impact overall in the hosting country and their community. Furthermore, to discuss the positive and negative impact of Olympic Games cannot be concluded in a paragraph, it needs to discuss touching main aspect of the country and society. So the author had tried to break down the positive and negative impact of the Olympic Games in china in following points. Positive impact of Olympic Games in China Economic Hosting a mega event like the Olympic Games had leave a huge economic impact in a country specially to a developing country like China as it had created new jobs , new opportunities to the citizen and country itself, more tax revenue to the country. After winning the bid to host Olympic games Beijing started to boom in hotel building reaching 174 four and five star hotels by the end of 2008 which was not the case in the year 2001 where there was only 64 four and five star hotels. The economy of the country boost with the Olympic Games directly and indirectly. The direct income will be from manufacture sponsors ,use advertisements at mass communicate TV , ticket earning where TV relay rights of 2008 in the Olympic games has managed to sold over one billion and six million. Also there was a prediction by different experts before the event took place. Tourism experts expected that there will be 4.5 million tourist which will be from inbound and outbound in Beijing in 2008 and industry a nalysts predicted that there will be approximately US$4.5billion inbound spending by visitors in 2008 Olympic games. There was prediction by the Beijing tourism administration that there will be 550,000 international visitors during the game. Social and Culture A mega event such as Olympic Games can have huge social and cultural impact in a society especially in china which has over 1.3 billion population showcasing different cultures and beliefs. The positive aspect of the mega event such as Olympic games in Beijing 2008 will create new jobs in different sector specially tourism and hospitality sector this will benefit local people in one or other way. Beijing spent nearly 20 million dollars for constructing new roads ,parks ,stadiums and an extended subway system for the preparation of Olympic Games. Beijing put so many efforts to improve air quality ,producing cleaner energy by using the natural gas ,regulating the factories. Because of Olympic game Beijing has upgraded the home heating method, put effort in improving the public transportation in a more convenient level, and improving the water treatment . For the preparation of Olympic game Beijing has invested huge sum of money in public transportation ,road ,airport ,water supply ,tel evision ,power supply and freedom in internet which was a huge benefit for the society of china. The difference noticed in the Beijing Olympic game was china focussed entire the nation rather than just focussing in the hosting city which was calculated as a huge benefit for the entire society of the china. Environmental China has a huge environmental problem ,the five most polluted cities is located at china. The leading cause of death in china is cancer which is from pollution. Almost 500 million people of china are lacking from safe drinking water and only 1 percent of countries 560million city dwellers are able to breathe fresh air. After bidding to host the Olympic games 2008 china announced a slogan that was green Olympic where china integrated green concept into Olympic venues which was seen a success to flow a message that china is concern with the environmental issue to the nation and to the entire world. China has spent $16.4 billion to reduce the pollution level ,they have impose new regulation over factories , use natural gases instead of using coal which was the major cause of pollution to produce cleaner energy, put effort in improving the water treatment and during the Olympic games over 300,000 buses and taxis were replaced with the emit less pollution vehicles. These all are the posi tive impact of the Olympic Games towards environmental benefit. Political Hosting a thriving Olympic Games can drive a city to world class position leading to business opportunities and increased tourism specially it will leave effective impact in developing cities like Beijing. It will help a country or cities to create a lasting profile and also it will lift the countrys prestige to international level. It also helps community to stand together for common purpose that will help in uniting the community. In the antique Olympics was used  as a type of tact through culture for the sake of peaceful decree of conflicts and differences. Olympic Games were used as the means of tactical civic diplomacy pressing in the era of post World War II for causes other than sports. China uses 2008 Olympic Games politically by maintaining the countrys uncompleted process of development and transformation, and addressing the serious problems. Demonstrating its hi-tech development ,socioeconomic revolution and i ts modernisation, accomplished in the course of peaceful development. Showing an attractive image of the state and using the games for improving the international relationship with rest of the world and also issuing rebuttals to deformed abroad reports about china. Finally successfully managing and organising the mega event like Olympic Games china showed rest of the world that china is not less than anybody its a great achievement for the nation . Negative impact of Olympic Games in China Economic Organising the Olympic Games need huge amount of money to be spent from the preparation to the closing ceremony and there is no guarantee that the money spent in Olympic Games will be always profitable for the country. There are couple of state which are suffering economically until today after holding the Olympic Games. Extra spending in the Olympic Games can boost the inflation rate in the Chinese economy which was already a existing problem in china plus tourism flood could put extra upward pressure in Chinese Yuan .During the process of cleaning the air quality and pollution of the Beijing city in the preparation of the Olympic Games, Beijing reduces its Beijing based manufacturing company by half and relocates some of the risky factories outside the city. It cost million dollar loses for the company and the country in terms of revenue making. It was estimated that the company will lose US$350 million as economic loss from reducing their production. Social and Culture In every event there will be certain benefit for some groups and there will be some loses or discomfort for certain groups. China also made some people unhappy during the process of urbanising the old Beijing city. Some urbanization victim residents fell sad of being their home destroyed and some were unhappy because they didnt have enough compensation of their property lost. During the Olympic period the HKS1(Hong Kong Sports Institute ) was converted to competition arena and training ground for dressing and show-jumping which create disruptive to the elite athletes who use to use it.8,400 employees of steel factory became jobless after the government impose rules to relocate some of the steel factories from the Beijing city. Around 30,000 construction labourers mostly migrated from rural regions and villages of china which were used as a cheap labour during the construction of Olympic venues and related facilities and also some cheap labourer became victim of unpaid salary ,maximum hour ,and risky job. Environmental During the Olympic Games there will be enormous people in the hosting city who will come from different parts of the world which can create pollution, traffic jams, and congestion And it can turn into overcrowded problem. Plus there can be a chance of destruction of different parks and heritage as during the period of Olympic Games the hosting city will need huge open space for public toilets , crew changing room , and so on. Talking about Beijing since they focus on Green Olympic Games they tried to minimise the environmental damage as far as they could. But they also faced the overcrowded problem during the Olympic Games in 2008 , a huge congestion and traffic jam issue, sound pollution and so on. Political While organising the mega events like Olympic Games hosting nation need to go huge political challenges and barriers since there will be a lot of chances of political rights form different groups inside the country and now a days there can be a chances of terrorism attack and also there will be a chance of different state and political parties to use the Olympic Games for their own political and national benefits. Plus its the time for different world campaigners such as different human rights group and environmental protectionist to raise their campaign. China faced a lot of political problems while organising the Olympic Games in 2008. There were huge rights in Tibet at the time of Olympic Games who were demanding the separate state from the china. There was a voice from inside and outside the country defending for the Chinese monopoly system. There were a voice for democracy in terms of freedom of press, internet and rights. There were different attempts of terrorism by different terrorist groups trying to fail the effect the Olympic Games and scared the Chinese Government. China also went through huge criticisms from different nation head and political parties some of them even boycott their presence in the opening ceremony.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Multiple Sclerosis Essay example -- Biology Essays Research Papers
Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system. It most commonly occurs in individuals between the ages of twenty and forty (1) and in higher numbers of women than men (2). In Multiple Sclerosis (or "MS") a loss of the nerves' axon coating myelin prohibits the nerve axons from efficiently conducting action and synaptic potentials. Scar tissue (called plaques or lesions) forms at the points where demyelination occurs in the brain and spinal cord, hence the name "Multiple Sclerosis"or "many scars" (3). The demyelination found in MS is thought to be caused by an autoimmune process, in which the body's immune system attacks its own healthy tissue (4). Other diseases thought to have an autoimmune basis are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus and the insulin dependent form of diabetes mellitus(5). In the immune system, there are two types of white blood cells, B-cells and T-cells. T-cells exist in three forms, all responsible for different immune system responses. Helper T-cells recognize foreign antigens (the substance the immune system aims to destroy), stimulate antibody production, and produce cytokines (chemicals which act as biological messengers) which activate other T-cells. These T-cells are able to recognize antigens through their receptors, made of protein molecules that selectively bind to certain other molecules. Suppressor T-cells perform a function converse to that of their helper counterparts, turning off the immune system response. Cytotoxic T-cells directly attack and destroy antigenic material (6). In MS, an unknown trigger activates helper T-cells whose antigen specific receptors recognize central nervous system myelin as an antigen. While what exactly activates these T-cel... ... MS GENETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY 25) VIRUSES 26) Remyelination Progress Reported 27) EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS 28) Current Research Updates 29) Virtual Hospital, Chapter 14: Neurology: MS Other WWW Sites 30) Knowledge Weavers 31) World of Multiple Sclerosis 32) National Multiple Sclerosis Society 33) MS Gateway 34) MS Gateway Glossary
Salem Witch Trials Essay -- essays research papers
Deep inside a town in Massachusetts innocent people were accused of the devil’s work, witchcraft. God-fearing Puritans took it upon themselves to exterminate Satan’s followers influenced by anti-witch ideas and other sources including books and the words of various priests. Over 100 people were given unfair trials; many were jailed while quite a few were lynched. Although the Salem witch trials are considered one of the depressing parts of American history the topic also provides an interesting look at how people thought and lived during the colonials times.      The practice of capturing witches didn’t start at Salem. For centuries Europeans had been catching supposed witches and burning them at the stake. In 1492 two priests were elected by the Catholic Church to write a book on the evils of witchcraft. The book was read widely and told people how witches worked for the devil and the various ways they could torture and kill people. After reading this book and another anti-witchcraft book, Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions, by Cotton Mather(a local priest) which encouraged colonists that even torture was fine to convict people of sorcerery(since real witches couldn’t feel pain) it was no wonder that the Puritans of Salem took it upon themselves to expel witches in God’s name. Another cause of the trials was a problem brewing in Salem itself. For many years Salem Town and Salem Village had been separate parts of Salem. Salem Town had the rich m...
Friday, July 19, 2019
What is love? Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare
The word Love may mean many things to different people. For some it can be dangerous and complex, whereas for others it can be simple, yet fulfilling. Many have also attempted to prove the meaning of love, some successful, others not. In the poems A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning by John Donne and Sonnet 147 by William Shakespeare, both authors view love from opposite spectrums. They both attempt to argue what the meaning of love really is. They do this, by using imagery and symbols, and by writing in extended metaphors. In both A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and Sonnet 147, Donne and Shakespeare’s use of imagery and symbolism are well used to describe the meaning of love according to them. Death is a recurrent image in both poems. In Sonnet 147, Shakespeare compares the love he has for a woman to a disease. Oftentimes disease is associated with death. He uses this imagery, first when he states â€Å"Desire is death†(8); meaning the desire or love he has for this woman, is indeed deadly; a disease which is figuratively leading to his death. Shortly after this, Shakespeare refers to this woman as â€Å"Black as hell, as dark as night†(14) although this may not seem like death right away, one must remember that the colour black and night often signify the idea of death. The line before this states â€Å"I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright†(13) Therefore the idea he had of this woman, used to be bright and loving, however he now finds her in a way, evil a nd associates the metaphorical death of his heart to her. Despite using death imagery, Shakespeare also uses medical imagery in the poem. Ultimately disease is associated with medicine. There are a slew of words in the poem which symbolize medical imagery; the words Shak... ...(31-34) In this metaphor, his wife is the fix’d foot which â€Å"in the centre sit†, as she always remains in the same spot, waiting for her husband, the other foot, to return home. Donne writes this, not so much as a love poem, but more as a plea for his wife not to worry about his absence, that their love will only grow stronger, and for her not to be scared that he wont return as (the compass) â€Å"makes me end where I begun.†(38) Despite not being classified a metaphysical poet, Shakespeare like Donne, was very famous for his wordplay and metaphors. Although both authors take different stands on the meaning of love, Donne a positive one and Shakespeare a more negative view; both authors attempt to prove this using imagery and symbols and extended metaphors. The use of metaphors in both Donne and Shakespeare’s poems are intricately intertwined with genius wordplay.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Mr. Darcy
Mr. Darcy is an intelligent, tall, fine, handsome, wealthy and reserved gentleman, who often appears haughty or proud to strangers. Mr. Darcy has a strong moral fibre and a natural and somewhat embarrassed kindness. Mr. Darcy is the owner of the fictional estate of Pemberley, he is described as the perfect landlord, a sensible and honourable manager of the estate. He has a great responsibility to keep the estate running – and the locals who depend on it for a livelihood are lucky to have such a good master.Mr. Darcy's inflated personal pride, snobbish indifference and arrogance causes him to consider Elizabeth Bennet as low-born and plain, â€Å"tolerable†and â€Å"not handsome enough to tempt him†. However, afterwards he becomes attracted to Elizabeth, and courts her clumsily while struggling against his continuing feelings of superiority. His arrogance and rudeness enhance his desirability, and they are reconsidered later as a sign of his repressed passion for Elizabeth. Pride and Prejudice Writing StyleSurprising Turns of Phrase, Sarcastic, Subtle, Pointed Austen is the total master of the slow, subtle burn. It's like poetry in motion – you just watch as sentence after sentence starts out nice and predictable and then – BAM! – right in the kisser. Let's watch and learn how a pro does it in this paragraph that introduces Sir William Lucas, Charlotte's dad: Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune, and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the king during his mayoralty.The distinction had perhaps been felt too strongly. It had given him a disgust to his business, and to his residence in a small market town; and, in quitting them both, he had removed with his family to a house about a mile from Meryton, denominated from that period Lucas Lodge, where he could think with pleasure of his own importance, and, unshackled by business, occupy hims elf solely in being civil to all the world.For, though elated by his rank, it did not render him supercilious; on the contrary, he was all attention to everybody. By nature inoffensive, friendly, and obliging, his presentation at St. James's had made him courteous. (5. 1) First we go swimmingly along, as Sir William is shown to be a well-off guy who even gets to make a speech in front of the king. Then, though, check out the long third sentence, as the narrator asterfully goes from Sir William's point of view (he now finds actually working for a living â€Å"disgusting†and moves to a house in the country) to an outside perspective on Sir William's growing egotism (all he does now is â€Å"think with pleasure of his own importance†), and then, finally, rounds it off with an amazing judgment on the way climbing the social ladder creates a useless man out of an industrious one (Sir William is free from the â€Å"shackles†of his work and now just spends his time b eing â€Å"civil†).Funny – but we're not done yet. The problem isn't really just that Sir William himself has become totally purposeless ever since getting his knighthood and becoming too high class for his business. The narrator next expands the issue further, pointing to the culture at large, which is more than happy to go along with Sir William and his new attitude.Check out how, because he's all fancy and titled, in the eyes of his neighbors he gets a fancier adjective to describe his behavior (instead of simply â€Å"friendly†he's become â€Å"courteous,†which also carries the pun of â€Å"court†(as in royal court) inside it – the place where Sir William has picked up his new status). By the ‘two themes' I assume you mean pride as one theme and prejudice as the other? Because there are many, many more themes to the text than that: don't be led astray into thinking they're the only ones (or the most important; the novel's title is somewhat arbitrary).One of my personal favourite ways Austen plays with language in P&P is how, once married, Charlotte Lucas is often lumped into conversation as if she is property and little more than an animal (the quote that comes to mind is something about Lady Lucas enquiring of the ‘welfare and poultry of her eldest daughter' after the visit to Rosings  apologies I don't have to text to hand to find the exact quote). If you're looking for Irony, look carefully at practically anything Elizabeth says, particularly in conversations with her mother.Elizabeth says an awful lot in jest, where as her mother is very literal and very closed-minded. In fact, any exchange that involves Mrs Bennet tends to include some irony as she never realises she is being laughed at. Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful? Ironic, arch, wry, full of witticisms and bon-mots, arm's length Reading this novel is kind of like having a conv ersation with someone who says snarky things in a deadpan voice while onstantly raising her eyebrow. You know what we mean? Austen is just so clearly amused by her characters and their nonsense and also totally committed to discretely pointing out their foibles. It's not that she hates them or is disinterested or anything, but her narrator definitely keeps a distance and functions as an observer who is always elbowing the reader to look at the next funny thing. Check out this description of the aftermath of Mr. Collins proposing to Charlotte: In as short a time as Mr.Collins's long speeches would allow, everything was settled between them to the satisfaction of both; and as they entered the house he earnestly entreated her to name the day that was to make him the happiest of men; and though such a solicitation must be waived for the present, the lady felt no inclination to trifle with his happiness. The stupidity with which he was favoured by nature must guard his courtship from any charm that could make a woman wish for its continuance; and Miss Lucas, who accepted him solely from the pure and disinterested desire of an establishment, cared not how soon that establishment were gained. 22. 2) Both Charlotte and Mr. Collins are clearly mocked here, although, obviously, Mr. Collins is a much easier and bigger target. Look at the different ways the mockery works, though. First, we've got the overhead view, meaning the narrator takes in the scene and shows us the ridiculous in all its glory: it's funny to try to picture just how not â€Å"short†Mr. Collins's â€Å"long speech†would be. There's also that great joke in the idea that the proposal is â€Å"settled to the satisfaction of both†(because the satisfaction is kind of pragmatic since Charlotte is Mr.Collins's third choice and he is her choice only because he's got a job and a house and it beats living at mom and dad's). Next, we get to laugh at Mr. Collins more from Charlotte's point of view. Even though they aren't in quotes, the words about his â€Å"stupidity†and the lack of â€Å"charm†in his â€Å"courtship†are clearly her thoughts as he goes on and on in his pompous way. Finally, we circle back around to the narrator mocking the characters again, as we check out how Charlotte is going to deal with the fact that she can see how lame Mr. Collins is. Answer: she's going to wait as long as possible to actually get married. ) What’s Up With the Title? You know what's funny about this title? Well, you know how nowadays, the book jackets for novels written by the same author are usually really similar – same font, same general layout, and so on? (Think about those endless John Grisham novels. ) That's because publishers are going for an if-you-liked-that-you'll-also-love-this approach. Pride and Prejudice is basically the result of the same kind of thing, turn of the 19th century-style.Originally, the novel was going to be calledFirst Impressions, but after Austen hit the big time with the blockbuster sales of Sense and Sensibility, her publisher asked if they could try for a little branding magic by sticking to the same title formula: noun-and-noun. This is all well and good, and sure enough, this new novel went over like gangbusters. Does anything change, though, about how we might see the novel when we go from the first title to the second? Well, with First Impressions, readers are right off the bat being shown things from the characters' point of view.After all, it's Darcy and Elizabeth that are going be to be making and having these impressions, and, this title suggests, we're going to experience these impressions right alongside them. Also, think about what first impressions are all about – people interacting with each other. A novel called First Impressions puts the idea of people meeting with and reacting to other people front and center. The focus is on manners, behavio r, and outward appearance. Not to mention, oftentimes first impression are wrong. On the other hand, Pride and Prejudice turns the thing around 180 degrees.With a title like that, we're no longer looking at things through the characters' eyes. Instead, the title sounds like someone is being called names – and it's up to the reader to try to figure out who is who. The reader isn't buddy-buddy with the characters any more, but is instead totally supposed to be all judgy and superior from the get-go. With Pride and Prejudice as the title, our novel BFFs aren't Darcy or Elizabeth at all. Instead, our main pal is the narrator, who knows ahead of time that someone's full of pride and someone else is probably full of prejudice.Also, we've now moved into some deep psychological territory here. Feeling prideful and being prejudicial are things we do in the privacy of our thoughts, not things we wear on our sleeve. A novel named in this way makes readers immediately get rea dy for being all up in the characters thoughts, seeing how they make decisions and what their value systems are all about. Which title do you prefer? Why? â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Style Pride and Prejudice, like most of Jane Austen's works, employs the narrative technique of free indirect speech.This has been defined as â€Å"the free representation of a character's speech, by which one means, not words actually spoken by a character, but the words that typify the character's thoughts, or the way the character would think or speak, if she thought or spoke†. [8] By using narrative that adopts the tone and vocabulary of a particular character (in this case, that of Elizabeth), Austen invites the reader to follow events from Elizabeth's viewpoint, sharing her prejudices and misapprehensions. The learning curve, while undergone by both protagonists, is disclosed to us so lely through Elizabeth's point of view and her free indirect speech is essential †¦ for it is through it that we remain caught, if not stuck, within Elizabeth's misprisions. â€Å". [8] Clear, Witty, Sarcastic In this dialogue-driven novel, wit and sarcasm predominate the text. Pride and Prejudice is often an exercise in reading between the lines, as Austen’s characters must almost always use polite language to mask their true intentions. The greatest exception is, of course, when Elizabeth chews Darcy out after his proposal. ) We’ll offer two examples up for you. Mr. Bennet’s response to his wife after she subjects him to a play-by-play of Mr. Bingley’s actions at the ball: â€Å"If he had had any compassion for me,†cried her husband impatiently, â€Å"he would not have danced half so much! For God's sake, say no more of his partners. O that he had sprained his ankle in the first place! †Mr. Bennet clearly doesn’t mean the se things. What he’s really saying is that he wishes his wife would spare him the details.The following snippet of conversation between Lady Catherine and Elizabeth takes place at the end of a long interrogation from Lady Catherine. â€Å"‘Upon my word,’ said her ladyship, ‘you give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person. Pray, what is your age? ’ ‘With three younger sisters grown up,’ replied Elizabeth, smiling, ‘your ladyship can hardly expect me to own it. ’ Lady Catherine seemed quite astonished at not receiving a direct answer; and Elizabeth suspected herself to be the first creature who had ever dared to trifle with so much dignified impertinence. See what we mean? Elizabeth dodges Lady Catherine’s question, but does so in the politest way possible. We call it†¦polite resistance, and it requires a great deal of quick thinking. STYLE Jane Austen's graceful, economical narrative style was un ique in her time. It was an era in literature given to flowery wordiness and emotional excess. Readers of the day could take their choice among collections of sermons to improve their minds, tales of sin and punishment to improve their morals, and horror stories to stimulate their circulation.Pride and Prejudice is told in a readable prose without a single superfluous word, and it frequently breaks into dialogue so lively and so revealing of characters that entire scenes have been lifted bodily from the novel and reproduced in dramatized versions for stage and screen. In some passages the author enters into the mind of one or another of her characters, most often into her heroine Elizabeth's, and there she reveals her character's capacity for humor and self-criticism. Austen's style is so deceptively lucid that we can hardly believe she submitted her writing to so much polishing and revision. | POINT OF VIEW Pride and Prejudice is mostly written from the objective view of an externa l observer. However, from time to time the novel departs from this objective storytelling approach to explore the thoughts and feelings of a character-either Darcy as he slips little by little into love with Elizabeth, or Elizabeth as she considers her own behavior and the behavior of others. Whatever the approach whether through Elizabeth's mind or through the voice of a narrator, the point of view is always and unmistakably Jane Austen's.It is always her sharply critical eye, youthful though it was when she wrote the novel, that observes and subtly comments on her society's follies and foibles, making us laugh but also making us aware. When we finish her book we know very well the defects she saw in the people of her world, but we also know how much she enjoyed her life among them, faults and all. FORM AND STRUCTURE Like her writing style, the structure of Jane Austen's novel is deceptively simple. She appears to be telling a straightforward story, character by character and happe ning by happening, exactly as it occurred in chronological sequence.We can in fact read the novel that way. But on closer look we find that Pride and Prejudice is not merely a record of events. Instead, it is an interweaving of plot and subplots, an intricate pattern with various threads. The main plot follows the far from smooth course of the romance between Elizabeth and Darcy and the conflict of his pride and her prejudice. Their feelings, born of first impressions, are not the only obstacles between them. Three subplots complicate their relationship. The first is Bingley's attraction to Jane Bennet and Darcy's intervention to save his friend from what he sees as an undesirable marriage.The second is Wickham's involvement with the Darcy family, and his ability to charm Elizabeth and deepen her prejudice against Darcy. The third is Charlotte Lucas' marriage to Mr. Collins, which throws Elizabeth and Darcy together and sharpens their differences. Elizabeth ends up rejecting Darcy i n what we come to see as the first dramatic climax of the story. The Wickham subplot brings on the second dramatic climax: his elopement with Lydia and the scandal and probable ruin of the entire Bennet family. Austen maintains an air of suspense to the very end. She also keeps her three subplots alive with a novelist's juggling skill.In the end, all three subplots contribute to the resolution of the principal plot, and the hero and heroine come together in happiness at last Writing Style: In Pride and Prejudice there is very little focus on natural surroundings such as trees, bushes, flowers, or descriptions of the weather. Rarely does Austen describe character’s psychological states, instead this aspect of the characters is revealed through dialogue. The unnaturally flowery language in Pride and Prejudice may be seen by modern audiences as â€Å"cold†or â€Å"sterile,†but it is this use of language that helps to develop the characters and themes.Exaggeration and hyperboles (in a melodramatic form) are also common writing styles of Austen. In terms of style conventions, the usage of â€Å"Miss†and â€Å"Mr. †in Pride and Prejudice makes it at times unclear which character is talking, and therefore at times very confusing to follow the story. The frequent dialogue between characters also makes it difficult to distinguish which character is speaking. A number of plot points are also advanced in Pride and Prejudice through the writing of letters between essential characters, which tend to be some sort of monologue regarding a possible theme or conflict in the story.
American Colonies in Early 1600 and 1700.
Americas colonial bill can be described in terms of the economic, political and affable blushts of the previous(predicate) sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The 2 centuries came with two sets of societies altogether. No historian will debate the fact that the start of the 1600 and its formative grey age marks the starting point of the American colonies history of existence. The American native compevery had a tight hold of their territories albeit without any form of a structured government activity but had a well organized defense outfit to checkintruders (Adams, 1921).The onset by the English and other European giants and subsequent formation of the thirteen colonies was characterized by tribal and cross culture fights indent of importly the native tribes against the colonizing English amongst 1600-1650. This points to an date of cultural dis orientation and social instability. Disease, poor weather and tribal state of war made it impossible for meaningful poli tical, social and economic endeavors to materialize. Small-scale farming was the main economic activity in this time. The introductionof tea and tobacco in early on 1600 gave the American colonies the opportunity of agriculture for trade and subsistence. The 1700 came with a different social, economic and political parade (Adams, 1921). The thirteen colonies each had an elaborate governance structure. The American colony of Pennsylvania had its frontmost constitution in1701, no doubt wherefore that the society already had a grit of respect for human rights and freedoms as they would margin call it the Charter of Privileges. This new set of laws manoeuver governance and peoples dispense within and without the society (Schlesinger & Arthur, 1993).AMERICAN COLONIES IN archaean 1600-1700Agriculture took a new angle during this era. queen-sized scale farming replaced the old forge small scale and subsistence farming of the early 1600. Big plantations were put up by wealthy landowners of the southern colonies who also assiduous in hunting. This agrarian culture in centre put to an end the perennial yearning of the previous decade. There is a tag difference in the educational setup of the two eras. The early sixteenth light speed saw nothing much of stately education.Public schools were established and grammar schools became common place between 1700 and 1750. College education gained value and in effect Yale College was founded in 1701. Later, a pioneer daybook was published and the freedom of the press and liberties was enacted (Schlesinger, 1993). The era of 1600-1650 had witnessed a culture of ignorance and disenfranchisement coupled with spiritual and cultural intolerance. Impunity went unpunished resulting in umteen killings and murders with anti-establishment figures being banished or executed.The society of the 1700-1750 era led a different breeding style compared to that of 1600-1650. These people were a lot more economically stable (Gipson, 1936-1970). A pointer to this is their love for fashion and big life contrary to their early sixteenth hundred counterparts where starvation and hard labor punctuated their lives. The reason had enough to spend and spare and even dress well owing to a healthy economy while the last mentioned barely managed to scrape through life. The enormous Awakening movement by Jonathan Edwards in the 1730s and 1740sdemonstrates a great difference in religious faiths of the two eras as he calls his group new lights and the previous religions old lights. With this evangelistic movement, the religious and social orientation changes and differs greatly from that of the 1600 1650 era.REFERENCESAdams, Truslow. J 1921. The Founding of naked as a jaybird England. Atlantic Monthly Press. New York.Gipson, L 1936-1970 The British Empire Before the American Revolution (15 volumes) Pulitzer Prize.Schlesinger, Jr. , Arthur M. 1993 The Almanac of American History. Nobles Books, Greenwich, CT.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Bringing Trauma Home: Spouses of Paramedics
The affair of tinge c are inevitably brings along with it a lot of tautness, both cordial and physical. Paramedics and other fate care professionals are confront with a stack of varying situations ranging from harsh weather to violent patients and emotion wholey draining draws such(prenominal) as witnessing extensively injure patients or deaths. Moreover, these individuals are to a fault faced with dissimilar hassles such as plowing in consummate(a) break of divine services, overtime issues and variable schedules (Blakely & Timmons, 2008 Regehr, Goldberg, & Hughes, 2002).All these factors non merely limit the paramedics themselves still likewise defend a operative touch on on their families. Studies be relieve oneselfn shown the existence of the phenomenon of second-string trauma (Figley, 1995 cited in Regehr, Goldberg, & Hughes, 2002), or vicarious traumatization (McCann & Pearlman, 1990 Saakvitne & Pearlman, 1996 cited in Regehr, Goldberg, & Hughes, 2002) amo ngst mental health workers who bedevil been break downd to individuals who are faced with traumatizing invites.It has been proven that beingness exposed to the traumatic experiences of others predisposes individuals to develop symptoms of anxiety, sleep disturbances and affective arousal (Regehr, Goldberg, & Hughes, 2002). Studies realise demoteed that apprehension workers including ambulance military force have a towering incidence of post-traumatic prove dis companionship (PTSD) (Jonsson, Segesten, & Mattsson, 2003). Other studies reveal that by witnessing the trauma and suffering of victims, paramedics develop alternative trauma and if they share their experiences with their family members, they too might experience vicarious traumatization (Blakely & Timmons, 2008).Different individuals have been shown to deal with the stress in unalike ways. Some individuals might share their experiences with their family members and adjudicate emotional assume from them. In do ing so, they inadvertently expose their family members to the same trauma and wound that they are experiencing. and hence families when extending their support towards the paramedics, who subscribe to to cope with the work-related stress, may themselves total prey to developing mental distress via the wait on of secondary trauma (Blakely & Timmons, 2008).On the other hand, some individuals may cope with the work-related stress that they experience via emotional blunt, whereby they demo a loss of affect and emotional secession (Regehr, legal transfer the trauma home Spo gives of Paramedics, 2005). They may thereby have impaired family functioning and hold interactions with their family members (Regehr, Bringing the trauma home Spouses of Paramedics, 2005). Both these header strategies have olibanum been proven to indirectly have a blackball influence on the family members of paramedics.In addition, work stress has in addition been shown to impair the family function ing of paramedics (Blakely & Timmons, 2008). Another conundrum that the family members, in finical the spouses of paramedics have to face is traffics with the tough r discoverine that these individuals have. Other concerns of the family members intromit the health risks and the physical violence that the emergency care personnel are prone to (Blakely & Timmons, 2008).Thus, the work-related mental stress see by personnel involved in emergency care does not only have restore on their own demeanor and health notwithstanding in like manner on their family members, in peculiar(a) their spouses. It therefore becomes imperative to pick up the influence and consequences of the mental distress which the paramedics face on their family lives and relationship, determine factors which influence the increment of these difficultys, and hence improvise strategies to minimize the potential harm and risks associated with these jobs.Qualitative versus Quantitative seek design for add ressing this issue When set or so investigate to address either issue, devil assorted kinds of research methods exist, viz. soft and decimal methods. The pick of the research method depends on the psychoanalyse hesitation. When an exploration of the various aspects of a contingent(prenominal) issue is required, soft research should be undertaken (Marshall, 1996). Qualitative research allows an in-depth deal of the phenomenon of interest and involves observing the phenomenon in its natural milieu without separately interventions (Runciman, 2002).The results yielded as a result of qualitative studies are transferable and such research exercises why and how questions (Marshall, 1996). It provides a conceptual analysis of the issue and serves various divers(prenominal) designs including hypothesis generation, which can be just tested via use decimal methods, to assess the preexisting systems and functions and to convey to the policy makers the views and experienc es of the individuals in question, amongst others (Fitzpatrick & Boulton, 1994).Qualitative research is thusly complex, contextual and influenced by the interaction of physical, psychological and fond factors (Runciman, 2002). In the other hand, quantitative research uses a deductive or reductionalist approach and is aimed at examen preset hypothesis (Marshall, 1996). The main implications of this kind of research is in assessing the effectiveness of various interventions or canvass 2 different contract assorts. Quantitative methodology yields generalizable results and produces answers to what questions (Marshall, 1996).Keeping in mind the above mentioned elementary differences surrounded by qualitative and quantitative research and their applicability in various situations, the beaver suited form of methodology which can be employ in observeing the impact of the work-related stress of the paramedics on their family lives is qualitative methodology. This is because t he issue at hand requires an in-depth exploration of the various aspects and consequences of the work-related stress on the individuals, their family life and their spouses and qualitative approach is the most fitted for answering such questions.Problem identification and definition The macrocosm section of a research member is aimed at identifying the research hassle, to determine the magnitude of the problem in the society and to provide the rationale poop carrying out the ask (Parahoo, 2006). In this name, the pen clearly defines the problem which led to the conduction of this convey viz. the negative impact of the work-related mental stress that paramedics face on their spouses (Regehr, 2005) and adequately explain the theoretical framework behind this problem.According to the source, paramedics experience a immense amount of mental and physical stress while at work and this influences their overall mood and affect. There are two main types of coping strategies that paramedics can adopt in ready to overcome the mental distress they experience and these involve either remaining detached and emotionally aloof from the situations faced, i. e. emotional numbing, or explicitly sacramental manduction their experiences with others (Regehr, 2005).Neither of these strategies have been found to be useful since the former leads to a poor quality of relationships as the numbing prevails in workaday life and leads to an inability to emotionally engage and interact with others, and the latter has been found to hit symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in the family members whereby they start experiencing stress similar to that faced by the paramedics (Regehr, 2005).The compose thus surmises that the work related stress of paramedics does not only bring significant distress to the individuals in question, but also to their family members, in feature their spouses, and this is a considerable problem that warrants research in order to enlighten th e factors contributing towards this problem (Regehr, 2005). Thus, in this article, the phenomenon of interest is clearly identified and the theoretical underpinnings of the problem have been adequately communicate.However, when defining the problem, the informant does not explain why the qualitative study design would be best suited for this particular problem. Moreover, this section also lacks a discussion of the significance of this research and its expiry to commonplace clinical practice, i. e. How would identifying and addressing this particular problem prove to be beneficial for paramedics and their spouses in the short and long-term? lit Review The literary works refreshen provided in an article provides an in-depth view of the research done on the topic.It should be based on an extensive review of publications and discuss all aspects of the topic in question (Parahoo, 2006). In this article, a thorough and door-to-door belles-lettres regarding the different aspects of the effect of paramedics work-related mental distress on their family and spouses has been provided. Moreover, the literature is logically organized and leads the readers sequentially from problem identification to its impact and consequences. employ the literature, the author initially discusses the magnitude and nature of the emotional stress that paramedics face and then moves on to describe the role of the family in fortune paramedics to deal with this stress (Regehr, 2005). The author then quotes and discusses the different studies which been carried out to elucidate the coping strategies used by paramedics to vercome the mental distress that they encounter and the effect of these strategies on the family members (Regehr, 2005), thus providing a framework and the rationale for conducting the study in question.However, the literature review of this article has genuine shortcomings. Firstly, the literature review fails to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the studies carried out antecedently and the gaps in the research literature that exist. This is principal(prenominal) so as to ascertain what smart findings this study would chip in to the existing literature on the subject. Moreover, some of the literature qouted in this article dates back to almost two decades ago, e. g. Verboski and Ryan, 1988 and Nezu and Carnevale, 1987, and is thus outdated.This shortcoming could have been avoided by use more recent and up to date literature, which would have gived provided towards the strength of the article. Thus in conclusion, the literature review is adequately performed and suffiently describes the previous research conducted on the topic but has certain boundarys and shortcomings. Methodology The methodology section is one of the most grave sections of whatsoever article as this part guides the readers on how the study is actually being conducted. It has several outstanding components. The different components of methodology of this arti cle are critically reviewed below. look into invention The research design used is for this study is qualitative research. This method is appropriately chosen since this study aims to identify the different consequences that the paramedics lifestyle and the pressures associated with their job has on their family life and their spouses and these consequences are influenced by several factors and can be studied from different aspects (Regehr, 2005). Qualitative research serves the purpose of studying a problem from several different perspectives and is conducted in a natural setting.It does not require all intervention or control host and is a mere observation of the phenomenon of interest, giving a holistic picture of the problem being communicate (Runciman, 2002). This study is meant to be an exploration of the experiences, concerns and issues of the spouses of paramedics and thus the qualitative method is best suited method for it. ingest The sample for this study consisted of spouses of fourteen paramedics who were employed at two different emergency checkup faces. The author describes the rationale of using a sample coat of fourteen musicians, viz. ensuring the occurrence of intensity level (Regehr, 2005).Saturation is an important concept applicable to qualitative research. In general, it is an found fact that as the sample size increases the chances of conducting a random sample error decrease and thus, larger sample sizes are preferred in order to reduce the variability in the results (Marshall, 1996). However, at a certain point, no new information or themes are revealed from the info set and this is termed as saturation (Marshall, 1996). For qualitative studies, the sample size required is unremarkably small but recruiting an adequate number of participants in order to achieve saturation should be ensured.In this article, the have method used is not stated explicitly but the technique used reveals that purposive consume was used, i. e. spouses of paramedics were approached and asked to participate in this study (Regehr, 2005). This kind of ingest is best suited for qualitative studies, in particular those who focus on a particular group of individuals rather than on the general population. However, this article does not mention all particular inclusion or exclusion criteria for the study participants.Inclusion and exclusion criteria are important in minimizing the variability amongst participants and in the reduction of some(prenominal) confounding factors which might lead to variation in the results and thus compromise the validity and reliability of the study findings. Data Collection Strategies The selective information accruement tools used were audio taped interviews which followed a semi-structured interview guide and notes on the impressions of the interviewers which were taken during peer de abbreviateding sessions (Regehr, 2005). Using interviews for data collection has the advantage of focusing on hu man experiences and emotions regarding the problem.Moreover, the use of semi-structured interviews in this case served a dual purpose viz. ensuring standardization of the responses, which facilitates plaque and interpretation of the results, and providing opportunity for the exploration of arenas other than those limited to and specified in the interview guide. A limitation of the description of the data collection strategies for this study is that the particular questions and themes communicate during the interview are not mentioned explicitly and the article only mentions the broad categories to which the questions belonged, e.g. family situation, the do of shift work, etc (Regehr, 2005). This has the potential for leaving the readers in doubt as to which issues are being addressed and which ones are being focused upon in particular. Moreover, the time required for each interview is not mentioned, neither is the setting in which the interview was conducted. The article also fai ls to mention how umteen interviewers were involved in the data collection procedure and the steps taken, if any, to reduce the variations in data collection amongst different interviewers and to minimize interviewer bias.Data Analysis Strategies The data thereby collected via the interviews was initially analyzed for common themes using computer based software named NUD*IST Vivo. As depict by the author, open coding was utilized in the first stage for the broad categorization of data and subsequently, selective coding was done (Regehr, 2005). The author also mentions that throughout the research process, the input of emergency dish organization members was acquired in order to ensure transferability and conformability (Regehr, 2005).The data analysis section of this article is very brief and not enough information is presented for readers to replicate the methodology. The author does not mention the use of any particular data analysis strategies such as repetitive analysis and data triangulation. Thus, the data analysis describe by author, although possesses credibility, lacks in auditability. Results and Important Findings For qualitative studies, the results need to be extensively discussed and should include actual quotes and statements of the study participants to give a clear view of the outcome of the study to the readers (Parahoo).The results section of this article is very comprehensive and gives a clear overview of the study findings. By organization of the results obtained under different subheadings such as concerns about the dangers of the job, effect of stress and trauma on the paramedic and the family, etc, the results have been made clear and easily interpretable by the readers (Regehr, 2005). Moreover, the use of actual quotes of the study participants gives a clearer view of and provides a better understanding of the participants experiences and feelings.The results reveal that the authors expression and the theoretical framework prese nted initially were true to the data and the findings obtained. This study, in addition to describing the traumatic experiences and stressful situations faced by the paramedics and their effects on their lives and functioning which have also been previously elucidated by various studies, also provides an insight to the hassles which paramedics and their families encounter (Regehr, 2005).As described in the results, these include shift work, overwork, scheduling issues and equipment and personnel issues (Regehr, 2005). The recognition of these hassles is also important in addition to identifying the consequences of traumatic and stressful experiences on family life as these hassles also contribute significantly towards the disruption of normal family routines and may give rise to conflicts and discontent amongst spouses.In addition, in my opinion, the use of unaccented language in presenting the results adopted by the author facilitates the understanding of the readers and stimulat es their interest in the article. Thus, the results section of this article effectively and comprehensively summarizes the main findings of the study conducted and presents them in an interesting, coherent and simple manner. Discussion, recommendations and conclusions The discussion section is, in effect, an integration of all the subsections of the article which leads to the generation of a concluding statement (Parahoo, 2006).This section is aimed at linking the themes discussed in the introduction and background section of the study, the literature review and the important results generated (Parahoo, 2006). In this article, the discussion overviews all the important results and pertinent findings and compares them with the research which has been previously conducted. Almost all of the findings of this study conform to the findings generated by previously conducted studies. whizz limitation of the discussion is that the author does not composition any conflicting results report ed by previously conducted studies, if they exist.Providing different points of view that exist regarding a particular matter helps in improving the readers perspective of the subject and aids them in forming their views and opinions regarding a particular matter. Another important component of the discussion is the identification of issues which require march on research. In this article, the author correctly identifies the shortcomings of the study, where they exist and identify potential areas for next research. For example, this study identifies two main coping strategies which paramedics use in the face of traumatic experiences, viz.expressing their distress and anguish via debriefing with family members or keeping their issues o themselves and putting up a wall (Regehr, 2005). This study, although identifies these issues, cannot investigate further in to which of these strategies is more effective in coping with the stress that paramedics experience. The author hence recom mends that further studies should be conducted in this regard in order to further explore this arena. Similarly, since the results of this study are generalizable to a particular subset of population only i. e.the spouses of paramedics, another recommendation proposed by the author is to conduct studies similar to this one involving participants belong to other professions in which emotional management for dealing with traumatic experiences is required such as amongst firefighters, law of nature and military personnel (Regehr, 2005). This study also identifies that positive and informal support systems did exist in the emergency medical service organization and were being underutilized. Moreover, no similar support systems existed for family members of the paramedics (Regehr, 2005).The author, although identifies this issue, does not suggest any measures which can be taken to overcome the problem that this issue poses. Moreover, the implications of this research and the findings o f this study in everyday clinical practice and for paramedics and their spouses have not been addressed by the author. All the above discussed sections of a research articles lead towards the conclusion section of the article. The conclusions are meant to answer the questions raised and the objectives that were defined prior to conducting the study.They are also meant to summarize the important results generated from the study. The conclusions presented in this article serve all these purposes and briefly summarize and reflect the study findings. Ethical Issues As opposed to quantitative studies, empiric and qualitative studies do not involve any intervention on the part of the researchers. Despite this, skill of respectable approval before conducting qualitative studies is as imperative as it is while undertaking quantitative studies.In this study, the author does not mention taking honourable approval for conducting this study by the hospital ethical review boards of either of the two emergency medical organizations from which paramedics were identified for their spouses to be recruited in the study. Moreover, the article does not mention taking informed consent from the participants of the study. sure consent is one of the most important basic principles of research and should always be obtained prior to recruiting participants for any study.Another important ethical aspect which is not addressed in this study is that this study identifies several issues such as the problems faced by paramedics and their families as a result of job-related mental trauma, the underutilization of available support systems by the paramedics and the absence of the availability of any similar support systems for the spouses and families (Regehr, 2005). However, after identifying these issues, the author does not propose any interventions which might be useful in order to overcome these issues or the probable solutions for the problems identified.References Blakely, M. R. , & Timmons, S. M. (2008). Life sprint and wellness Research. Nova Publishers. Figley, C. (1995). 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