Thursday, August 22, 2019

Effective Research Essay Example for Free

Effective Research Essay Research is a structured and systematic approach of looking for answer to questions and producing intended results. The methods used to research a particular topic should directly relate to the aims described in the topic. One should develop a clear, thoughtful, and organized study plan that tests the vital hypothesis. Describe any work concept, tools, and approaches for the anticipated studies. Discuss the possible limitations and difficulties of the anticipated procedures and alternative advances to achieve the aims. Tim Ireland (2008) adds that a tentative sequence for the project ought to be given. An overview of the conceptual framework and proposed design should be included. Study goals ought to relate to the projected hypothesis. Required statistical techniques, proposed timeline, and work plan should be included. Finally, one should be clear about the methods and investigation design used and should avoid correlative experiments. The ways of assessing and evaluating ones research is by checking for correct spelling, general neatness, parts in a reasonable and correct order with nothing missing, proper citation of borrowed material and the support of any arguments or thesis materials with evidence. One can also use rubric; it allows one to see what excellent, acceptable, good, and poor work looks like. Information from research is included in writing by putting all your gathered information together in a presentable format. One should put all his/her notes together according to the order they will come into view in their project (Albert and Podgy 1984). Another is strategy is the use of paraphrasing where one only uses the most important words, synonyms, and highlights and crosses out words (Ireland, 2008). Paraphrase: A good university should focus on equipping students with critical and analytical skills which form an integral part of what is expected of higher learning (Zein 2008).

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