Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mmigration in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mmigration in the US - Essay Example Still women are not better off than men when it comes to migrating. It is easy for men to socialize and settle due to their nature. They can compromise on many things like privacy and cleanliness. Many men can stay together in a small place together. The same is extremely difficult for a woman. She has needs of privacy therefore cannot just stay anywhere. She also needs safety as she cannot defend herself. The treatment of a lonely female is not very well in many societies. All in all the needs of women are different than that of men and therefore they find it difficult to migrate as compared to men. Women, if coming from a culture where they are not treated equally to a host country where laws are much more developed, may still not be better off than men, at least in the beginning. The cultural shock is something that a woman has to face when migrating in a new country. The customs and traditions are different and they may cause discomfort for a woman. Men on the other hand can adju st to such changes rather easily. In today’s world there has been seen a surge in demand for female labor and this is attracting women to migrate. According to the latest trends women are migrating independently to support their families (Oishi, 1). The overall labor market has gone through many changes. In developed countries today husband and wife both are working and this creates a demand for migrants Nannies. This is one of the reasons behind increase in women migration. Female migration is increasing but it is still safe to say that women are at the losing end. This is because most women that migrate come from poor background and desperately need money for their families. This increases the social position of the family and of women but internal happiness of women is compromised. She is mostly living away from her child or her family. It is important to note here that women migrate when they have reached the mature ages. They are born in a culture where families live tog ether closely. They come from a collectivist background where family is more important than an individual. These women when migrate to developed world are not comfortable in working individually. They are only doing it out of necessity not by choice. This takes the toll on the personal life of a woman and therefore she has more to lose than a man. Men even in collectivist society enjoy power and freedom to a certain extent therefore they are better off when migrating. Part 2 When adopting policies for immigrants countries first have to understand the possible issues that immigrants face in the host country. After an understating of these issues appropriate measures can be suggested. Most of the immigrants travel to the host countries for earning more money and living a better lifestyle. Immigrants identify needs that cannot be met in their home countries and therefore they migrate to other countries. The main reason for migration is financial in nature. Most immigrants are poor ther efore they are willing to work at lower rates because of the difference in exchange rates. Earning for example $3 an hour is more than enough for a person to finance his whole family in Nigeria. This is where state should intervene because immigrants are not aware of their rights in the new country. State has to protect immigrants from possible exploitation of business owners. For this purpose state can open special centers for immigrants that can keep

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